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維修美國SI漩渦混合器Vortex-genie 2T

作者:美國SI 時間:2024-04-10 11:14:30瀏覽311 次


美國SI漩渦混合器Vortex-genie 2T可調速定時漩渦混合器SI-T256產品特點: 振動與旋渦混和方式: 可調速度控制,能從低速振動到高速旋渦混合。另外,每一種附件都被設計成可 適合不同的混合方式,可根據需要選擇適合的混合方式。 多功能性: 各種形狀、尺寸和材料的附件提供了一個廣泛的應用范圍,適合各種試管與容器,無論自動還是手動的混合方式。 自動與點振混和方式: 三點開關可選擇自動或點振混合方式。自動混合方式可提高工作效率。

專業維修美國SI漩渦混合器Vortex-genie 2T


VORTEX-GENIE 2T漩渦混合器操作說明

我們建議您保留原包裝90天,以防您因任何原因需要將產品退回給您的分銷商或Scientific Industries。

1.0-將電源線插入正確接地的電源插座。(T236型號為120 VAC;T246型號為230 VAC模型T286型號為100 VAC)






當您希望操作VORTEX-GENIE 2T時,使用“CT”模式,以便當您將容器接觸到3英寸平臺或彈出杯時,渦流混合開始并連續運行,不會中斷。要設置“CT”操作模式,請將撥動開關置于TOUCH(觸摸)位置并將其變為灰色。定時器旋鈕完全逆時針旋轉,直到“咔嗒”一聲進入連續(無定時器)位置。設置速度控制旋鈕。(見上頁2.1)



要啟動“FT”操作模式,請將撥動開關置于中間(未標記)位置。在安裝了所需的附件并將樣品管或容器放置到位的情況下,將1至60分鐘計時器(灰色旋鈕和灰色刻度)設置為所需的運行時間。當撥動開關處于中間位置時,VORTEX-GENIE 2T斷開,直到撥動開關按下至START/STOP(起動/停止)位置,保持一秒鐘,然后松開。這將啟動“GENIE?”的混合動作。混合器將運行,直到經過設定的時間。如果出于任何原因,您希望在設定時間結束前停止混合操作,只需將撥動開關第二次按下至START/stop(啟動/停止)位置并松開即可。攪拌器將停止。第三次按下撥動開關將啟動全新的定時循環。


“FC”模式允許無人值守操作,該操作將無限期持續,直到按下撥動開關停止運行。在此模式下,您也可以使用VORTEX-GENIE 2T漩渦混合器的任何附件。

要啟動“FC”模式,請完全逆時針轉動灰色定時器旋鈕,直到其“咔嗒”一聲進入連續(無定時器)位置。接下來,將撥動開關按下至START/STOP(啟動/停止)位置一秒鐘,然后松開。VORTEX-GENIE 2T漩渦混合器將在無人值守的情況下啟動并繼續運行,直到您再次將撥動開關按下至啟動/停止位置并保持一秒鐘后再松開。如果您想再次重新啟動漩渦混合器,只需按下撥動開關一秒鐘即可松開。OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS

美國 SI-T256漩渦混合器Vortex-genie 2T

美國SI漩渦混合器Vortex-genie 2T可調速定時漩渦混合器SI-T256產品特點:

振動與旋渦混和方式: 可調速度控制,能從低速振動到高速旋渦混合。另外,每一種附件都被設計成可


多功能性: 各種形狀、尺寸和材料的附件提供了一個廣泛的應用范圍,適合各種試管與容器,無論自動還是手動的混合方式。

自動與點振混和方式: 三點開關可選擇自動或點振混合方式。自動混合方式可提高工作效率。

 穩定性: 足夠重量的整體金屬外殼,為各種混合提供了穩定的操作平臺。


計時功能: 自動與點振混合方式均可選擇計時功能。點振混合方式:1-60秒。


方便性: 無需看表計時,無論自動還是點振混合方式,達到設定時間自動停止。

重復性: 被設定的時間始終是恒定的。


美國 SI-T256漩渦混合器Vortex-genie 2T

SI-T256 Vortex-Genie 2T 可調速,可定時旋渦混合器


描述:Vortex—Genie 2T

電源輸入:230V,50Hz,0.5A標 配:主機十標準墊片/3英寸平板墊片

標 配:主機十標準墊片/3英寸平板墊片

重 量:4Kg。整體金屬鑄造,橡膠底腳

外形尺寸:165 x 122 x165mm

美國 SI-T256漩渦混合器Vortex-genie 2T

 We recommend you retain the original packaging for 90 days in case you need to return the product for any reason to your distributor or Scientific Industries.

 1.0 - Plug the line cord into a properly grounded electrical outlet. (120 VAC for the T236 model; 230 VAC for the T246 model; 100 VAC for the T286 model)

 2.0 - The VORTEX-GENIE? 2T Mixer has the following modes of operation:

 2.1 - "TT" (TIMED TOUCH - 1 to 60 seconds)

 For procedures that require short duration vortex mixing from 1 to 60 seconds.  Or, for procedures that require accurate and repetitive vortex mixing sequences of 1 to 60 seconds each.

 In the "TT" operating mode, place the toggle switch in the TOUCH position and set the 1 to 60 second timer (gray knob with white reference line) to the desired mixing time on the gray numbered scale.  Next, set the speed control (black pointer shaped knob) to any position between 3 and 10 on the black numbered scale before initiating the "TT" operating mode. A setting of 3 is least vigorous mixing and 10 is the most vigorous mixing.  When you touch a tube or other vessel to the 3-inch Platform or Pop-off Cup, the mixer will start and run for 1 - 60 seconds, depending on the timer setting.  The mixer will automatically turn off at the end of the 1 - 60 second cycle. Releasing the pressure on the Platform or Cup and then re-applying the pressure will initiate another 1 - 60 second cycle.  The mixing cycles will be precisely timed and you may initiate as many mixing cycles as you wish.


 The "CT" mode is used when you desire to operate the VORTEX-GENIE 2T so that vortex mixing starts and runs continuously, without interruption, when you touch the vessel to either the 3-inch Platform, or to the Pop-off Cup.  To set the "CT"  operating mode, place the toggle switch in the TOUCH position and turn the gray. timer knob completely counter-clockwise until it "clicks" into the continuous (NO TIMER) position.  Set the speed control knob. (see 2.1 on previous page)

 2.3 - "FT"  (HANDS FREE TIMED - 1 to 60 minutes)

 The "FT" mode allows for unattended operation that is timed from 1 to 60 minutes.  In this mode, you may use any of the accessory attachments that are available for the VORTEX-GENIE?  2T Mixer.  Review instruction No. 3.0 before attempting to change attachments.

 To initiate the "FT" operating mode, place the toggle switch in the center (unmarked) position.  With the desired accessory attachment installed and with the sample tubes or vessels in place, set the 1 to 60 minute timer (gray knob and gray numbered scale) to the desired run time. With the toggle switch in the center position, the VORTEX- GENIE 2T is OFF until the toggle switch is depressed to the START/STOP position, held for a second and then released.  This will start the mixing action of the "GENIE?".  The mixer will run until the set time has elapsed.  If for any reason you wish to stop the mixing action before the set time has elapsed, simply depress the toggle switch to the START/STOP position for a second time and release.  The mixer will stop.  Depressing the toggle switch a third time will initiate a 

completely new timed cycle.


 The "FC" mode allows for unattended operation that will continue indefinitely until you stop the run by depressing the toggle switch.  In this mode, you may also use any of the accessory attachments available for the VORTEX-GENIE 2T Mixer.

To initiate the "FC" mode, turn the gray timer knob completely counter-clockwise until it  "clicks" into the continuous (NO TIMER) position.  Next, depress the toggle switch to the START/STOP position for one second and then release.  The VORTEX-GENIE 2T Mixer will start and continue to run, unattended, until you once again depress the toggle switch to the START/STOP position and hold it for a second before releasing. If you wish to restart the mixer once again, simply depress the toggle switch for a second and release.

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