
上海峰志儀器有限公司shanghai fengzhi instrument co,.ltd


作者: 時間:2021-08-09 12:02:58瀏覽1844 次




 將粉末或凝膠放在門把手、墻壁、手推車、床、地板、機器和其他具有高接觸頻率的區域。因為,經常接觸的區域可能具有zui高的細菌濃度。以下是CDC 網站摘自《環境評估概念計劃模型》附錄 B:

http : //www.cdc.gov/HAI/toolkits/Appendices-Evaluating-Environ-Cleaning.html(使用鏈接查看完整的附錄 B) 

環境清潔評估方案 環境評估概念程序模型的附錄
附錄 B:評估環境衛生熒光標記的客觀方法——熒光凝膠、粉末和乳液都是為了在房間清潔之前標記高接觸物體而開發的。雖然粉末和乳液已被用作教育干預的一部分,但它們的明顯可見性(乳液和粉末)、容易受到干擾(粉末)以及難以輕松去除(如果允許空氣干燥的乳液)可能會限制它們在監控系統中使用,并且很少或沒有發布用于此目的的經驗。  

相比之下,熒光凝膠在表面干燥透明,耐磨,并且有幾項研究證明了該系統在客觀評估清潔實踐和量化教育干預對此類清潔的影響方面的準確性。 [ 4,5 ] 因為這些熒光標記物都旨在指示物理去除所施加的物質,有效但清潔效率較低的表面可能更有可能使用這些標記之一而不是一種培養技術被標記為不符合質量標準。



Fluorescent powder and gel has been used in the medical, education and food safety industries for many years now.  Professionals all around the world have taught millions of hygiene and infection control lessons to nurses, infection preventionists, doctors, house cleaning staff, janitors, teachers, students, restaurant managers, food handlers, bankers and others that handle potentially infectious materials.

Fluorescent powder and fluorescent gel (we distribute Glo Germ and Glitterbug) has many uses when used in conjunction with a UV lamp (black light) and an effective infection control lesson. 
Simulation germs can be applied on hands for hand hygiene training (apply before hand washing and then check the spots that were missed).  Students can find out how to fully get all the germs off while washing their hands.  Hand washing training with the lotion, gel or powder can be used with any age or job position.

Fluorescent germs are very effective for environmental cleaning training and verification as well.  House cleaning staff and other janitor types benefit from seeing the effects of the fluorescent powder or gel under a black light. 
Place the powder or gel on door knobs, walls, carts, beds, floors, machines and other areas that have a high touch frequency.  For, areas that are frequently touched will likely have the highest concentration of germs.  The following is an excerpt from the CDC Website from Appendix B of the Conceptual Program Model for Environmental Evaluation:

(use the link to see the full Appendix B)
Options for Evaluating Environmental Cleaning Appendices to the Conceptual Program Model for Environmental Evaluation
Appendix B:    Objective Methods for Evaluating Environmental Hygiene

Fluorescent Markers – Fluorescent gel, powder, and lotion have all been developed for the purpose of marking high touch objects prior to room cleaning. While the powder and lotion have been used as part of educational interventions, their overt visibility (lotions and powder), ease with which they can be disturbed (powder), and difficulty with easy removal (lotion if allowed to air dry) may limit their use in a monitoring system and there is little or no published experience in their use for this purpose.
In contrast, the fluorescent gel dries transparent on surfaces, resists abrasion, and there are several studies demonstrating the accuracy of the system in objectively evaluating cleaning practice and quantifying the impact of educational interventions on such cleaning.[4,5] Because these fluorescent markers are all designed to indicate physical removal of an applied substance, surfaces that are effectively disinfected but less effectively cleaned may be more likely flagged as failing to meet a quality standard using one of these markers than one of the culture techniques.

The application of the fluorescent germs can be done with the environmental cleaning staff knowing about the test or it can be done in secret to verify.  When conducting a training, apply the simulation germs across the desired surface.  Let the gel dry or powder settle.  Show the trainees the germs with the UV lamp to visualize how the area is lit under the black light.  Instruct one or many trainees to clean the area the way it has been taught to them.  Use the UV lamp once more to show the spots (germs) that were missed that could potentially spread illness and disease if the fluorescent materials were real germs.  Use time immediately after to discuss environmental cleaning principles and processes that will help your staff achieve more sanitary results.  Emphasize their role in the organization’s infection control plan.

When applying the fluorescent germs in secret, select an area, apply the germs and enter it in a verification log.  Keeping a log of the areas being tested will allow you to remember where and when to check.  The log should also help keep track of those staff members that are in charge of cleaning the area at a certain time. 
The cleaning check can be done with or without the staff member present.  Simply take the UV lamp to see how well the area was cleaned or not cleaned.  In many instances, the germs are not cleaned up, but merely spread across the area.  Use the time after the verification to instruct the staff member about correct cleaning procedures.

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